There is so much to love about this spectacular project we installed at a gym in Silverwater, Sydney. Grand in scale, one-way vision window graphics spanning 8 metres, comprising one continuous image, covering the entire facade.
Each of the large letters of the sign are man height and can be viewed from a great distance, perfectly taking advantage of the windows and glass door of the business frontage.
A multilayered effect was achieved perfectly.
For those outsides, the graphics create the impression that the entire gym is being viewed, when, in fact, the privacy of those within is actually being protected.
For those on the inside, the one-way vision film provides them with a view of the outside world, while enjoying the discretion of not having the outside world look in upon them.
The use of a one-way vision also rewards with an energy saving effect. The window graphics ensure the internal space remains cool by blocking the sun and heat – a particularly useful benefit for a gym.
We think this project perfectly showcases the impact and function that one-way vision graphics offer. Please take advantage of our experience with one-way vision by contacting Sydney Signs Portal today.
When the Australian Cruise Group (ACG) reached out to us, we were excited by the prospect off working on yet another spectacular project, with what is fast becoming one of our favourite products to work with: perforated one-way vision film.
This was our third signage project with ACG in a year, having previously completed a project with showboat signs, as well as another with one-way vision window graphics.
So being contacted for this latest project only reinforced the value we place on earning that call from returning clients.
And what a project this was: 17m² of perforated window film was applied to the entire span of glass at the entrance to the ACG reservation office. This one-way vision signage and graphics allow those inside to easily see out, while restricting vision from outside and providing a quite stunning large scale advertising medium.
Time and again, Sydney Signs Portal is achieving amazing results with one-way vision window graphics. Contact us today if you too would like to see what all the fuss is about, or for any of your Sydney signage needs.
It is such a wonderful advantage to be able to print window graphics onto see-through perforated film – displaying branding or graphics, providing privacy, while at the same time allowing an interior view on the outside world. And, yet, it remains a medium that is incredibly underutilised in the Sydney signage scene.
So, in an attempt to do justice to one way vision film’s versatility, we would like to share with you a recent example of how to take advantage of it with truly impressive results.
Once again, we were fortunate to be working with a returning client. The image used was a photo taken using an iPhone of a guitar from Australia’s internationally successful band, Peking Duck.
The installation spanned 15m, across 6 windows on the Plus U building in the Sydney CBD. The use of black and white window graphics is always striking, but is particularly effective when applied to see-through perforated film.
The completed installation is one of the more awe-inspiring examples of one-way vision window graphics you will find in Sydney. We can only hope that it inspires others to take advantage of its potential, and, in the process, elevate the Sydney signage landscape.
Looking to create impact with your front of business marketing? Perhaps privacy or security is required for your location? The beauty of glass print one way see through film is that it offers both these solutions and much more.
What is it and how does it work?
One-way vision film is printable perforated self-adhesive vinyl. When viewed from the outside, the public can see a graphic window print, displaying your marketing or branding. But its truly amazing quality is that anyone inside the window, looking out, can see the outside world. It achieves this by taking advantage of human optics.
Our eye is naturally drawn to brighter colours. The graphic is printed onto the white vinyl film surface, while the holes are not white or printed, so remain darker. This means that when the graphic window print is viewed from the outside it appears solid, but with the adhesive side being dark, when viewed from the inside, our eyes are drawn to the bright, outside world.
And while it works on any scale, what this fantastic product allows you to do is think big when it comes to your graphic window print. Having your entire business front window covered in glass print one way see through film will give you incredible presence, and enable you to dominate the otherwise crowded Sydney advertising space.
Please contact our experienced team at Sydney Signs Portal today to take advantage of this wonderful marketing opportunity.